Friday, November 4, 2011


Worldwide, there is an astronomical rise in pagan revivalism, with heads of government, chief executives of corporate and financial institutions, military chiefs and generals, judges, and high-ranking clergy searching for power and careerist advancement.
Rome, for example, has more diviners, mediums and other spiritualists than ordained priests. From the Garden of Eden when Eve, incited by the devil (Genesis 3:1-8), craved for secret knowledge and power, mankind has dabbled into one cult or another over the millennium in search of god-like knowledge, wisdom and power. This is the root of paganism and all human sorrows.
In our time, we are poised to witness the final showdown between good and evil, although so many are spiritually blind and do not know what is happening. By divine design, in spite of our blindness, so much information is now pouring out to alert mankind on the impending Day of Declaration when every living soul will realize who is his or her master, God or Satan.
Then everything laid outside the kingdom of Christ's Precious Blood will perish.
See activities of the end days
The new Era with

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