Friday, November 4, 2011


From the Journal of the
Apostolate of the recious Blood of Jesus Christ.
Vol. 1 No.8, 2009. page 35

The work of U.S. Secretary of state, Hilary Clinton, with the abotion lobby has never been a secret and her current role is helping the world more clearly to understand the evil agenda of the current administration. With her high post in government, she is pulling all the punches she can muste to promote baby-slaughter across the United States and the whole wold in the guise of championing women's rights to family planning.
President Obama and Mrs. Clinton are soul mates as far as America's culture of death is concerned. Not only has President Obama opened several doors to promote abortion, sterilization, distribution of condoms and pills etc, he has also authorized and liberalized stem cell experiments. In doing the latter, he spoke as if daring God. He said that it did not matter whether or not stem cell experiments (with fertilized human embtyos) produce positive results. Rather, what counted more was the need to advance scientific research. Government, Obama further said, should not interfere with scientific research and experiments (even with sacred life-giving cells created by God strictly for procreation and not for research). Secretary Clinton has been pursuing abortion rights as if it is the most imortant plank of America's foreign policy under Obama.
On 27th March, 2009, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America held its Awards Gala Night. The guest of honour was Mrs. Clinton who bagged the Margaret Sanger Award. Ms. Sanger (1879-1966) was the founder of Planned Parenthood. She is credited with inspiring Adolf Hitler, history's most notorious racist and murderer of over 6 million Jews. Sanger's writings and philosophy, many sociologists believe, influenced Hitler to adopt views of eugenics and elimination of "socially undesirably peoples." It was Margaret Sanger who through Planned Parenthood first advocated abortions on African-Americas in order to stem the growth in population of "inferior black and yellow peoples" who constituted a threat to "the master race"
The work started by Sanger has now reached its high point with President Obama and Secretary Clinton capping this Satanist's "achievement". The work of Planned Parenthood International has been romoted in Nigeria and many other countries with diverse perverse effects which advance depopulation, sexual promisecuity and immoralities. Margaret Sanger herself was a notorious believer in free sex, with a long list of husbands and lovers. She inspired Gloria Steinem, Emma Goldman and other feminists and lesbian activists of the 1960s, insisting that a woman has an exclusive right to her body, without husband's consent, including abortion and even direct killing of any unwanted baby. She once served a prison term with her sister for perfoming illegal abortions.
At the Planned Parenthood gala, Mrs. Clinton's accetance speech was punctuated with numerious applauses. Among other things, she said "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously for her courage, her tenacity, her vision.... The overeaching mission of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the cause of reproductive freedom that you continue to advance today is as relevant in our world now as it was a hundred years ago (Applause). So, I thank you... The 20th Century reproductive rights movement, really embodied in the life and leadership of Margaret Sanger, was one of the most transformational in the entire history of the human race... You see, I believe that woman's rights and empowerment is an indispensable ingredient of smart power..."
In her most revealing paper, Mrs. Clinton made it clear that the work of Margaret Sanger " is not yet done." Can there by a more trenchant declaration of war against pro-lifers and all black people? If the friend of one's enemy is automatically one's enemy too, it logically follows that Mrs. Clinton is an enemy black people, no matter her pretences, since she is a friend and admirer of Margaret Sanger, with the latter and her closest associates being friends of Adolf Hitler. Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an unrepentant racist, who established the Negro Project, purely for the sterilization of unsuspecting black women and others whom she considered "undesirables of sociaty." In Sanger's own word: "Colored  people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." So, if this is partly what Mrs. Clinton means by Sanger's work "not yet done", then Africans and peoples of African descent should see her as a most dangerous enemy.
The New Era
For God's Divine Mercy
Prophesy of this time


Scriptural prophecies as dramatized in Revelation chapters 12 and 13 indicate that, at the end of time, (interpreted here as transition into another era, the Glorious Kingdom of God on earth, not the end of the world) two significant personalities will dominate the affairs of the world. The US presidency is currently the most powerful office in the world, while the papacy is the most influential. It goes without saying that if any or both of these offices fall into the hands of the devil, great calamities will befall the whole earth. With the heavenly aid of Marian prophecies, since 1917, to many privileged souls, we now know that God will permit the Two Beasts of the Book of Revelation (13:1-14) to reign so that the earth and the Church will be chastised for our sins and infidelities, respectively.
The reason these two offices of the US president and the papacy must be kept in view is because the Two Beasts of Apocalypse are supposed to reign concurrently, complementing one another, and they represent the twin faces of the Red Dragon (the devil) who fought against the Woman Clothed with the Sun in Revelation 12.
A call for reperation
Seek for God's Divine Mercy
What to do


Worldwide, there is an astronomical rise in pagan revivalism, with heads of government, chief executives of corporate and financial institutions, military chiefs and generals, judges, and high-ranking clergy searching for power and careerist advancement.
Rome, for example, has more diviners, mediums and other spiritualists than ordained priests. From the Garden of Eden when Eve, incited by the devil (Genesis 3:1-8), craved for secret knowledge and power, mankind has dabbled into one cult or another over the millennium in search of god-like knowledge, wisdom and power. This is the root of paganism and all human sorrows.
In our time, we are poised to witness the final showdown between good and evil, although so many are spiritually blind and do not know what is happening. By divine design, in spite of our blindness, so much information is now pouring out to alert mankind on the impending Day of Declaration when every living soul will realize who is his or her master, God or Satan.
Then everything laid outside the kingdom of Christ's Precious Blood will perish.
See activities of the end days
The new Era with